A policy of equal rights and duties
The ZCS Group adopts a policy of equal rights and duties for all employees, strongly rejecting any form of discrimination.
During the hiring process, the company undertakes to evaluate new candidates based on objective criteria, focusing on their skills and suitability for the job.
Zucchetti Centro Sistemi S.p.A. places great importance on its people, particularly employees and the younger generation. This is evident through the company's strong collaboration with schools and universities to offer curricular internships.
Additionally, three out of five divisions provide employees with the option of smart working.
People of ZCS
Regarding employee diversity, over three-quarters of the workforce are under 50 years old, with 20% being under 30. The majority of employees are between 30 and 50 years old, indicating an experienced yet still young workforce. Women currently make up 30% of the company's workforce, primarily because men traditionally dominate technical fields.
Health and Safety
At Zucchetti Centro Sistemi S.p.A., the welfare and safety of workers are safeguarded through the implementation of a Risk Assessment Document. To ensure effective management of occupational health and safety risks, multiple Prevention and Protection Service Managers (RSPP) have been appointed, both internally and externally.

Commitment to the community
Zucchetti Centro Sistemi S.p.A. is deeply committed to supporting the community in which it operates, focusing on fostering its development and actively contributing to its progress. In particular, the company prioritises local support in the areas of health, culture, sports and social welfare.